

The Governor shall preside at all meetings of the Society, including meetings of the Board of Assistants and the Executive Committee. The Governor shall appoint all committees and perform other duties, such as arranging a program for the all member meetings. The Governor shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. The Governor may consult with the Board of Assistants between meetings and take necessary action upon the approval of a majority of the Board. Such action shall be reported at the next Board meeting and be recorded in the minutes. He/she may select a Parliamentarian as an appointed officer to serve at all meetings with a vote at all membership meetings.


The Deputy Governor shall perform all the duties requested by the Governor and the duties of the Office of the Governor during the absence or disability of the Governor.

Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall prepare draft minutes of all meetings and present them to the Board of Assistants for comments. After the Board has reviewed the draft minutes, the Recording Secretary shall incorporate comments, prepare final minutes, and send them to the Board for approval. He or she shall prepare abbreviated minutes for inclusion in the Mayflower Log or be reported at meetings. He or she shall be the Keeper of the Seal of the Society.


The Elder shall officiate as Chaplain at any meeting of the Society. He or she shall be a faithful member of a Christian church.

Corresponding Secretary

The Corresponding Secretary shall notify the members of the Society and the Board of Assistants of all meetings and transmit notices, electronic mail and other communications requested by the Governor or the Board of Assistants, and perform all duties of the office, including maintaining an up-to-date list of the addresses of all members. He or she shall be responsible for seeing that a new membership directory is published and distributed to the membership every three years and for sending any required reports to the General Society.


The Treasurer and/or Assistant Treasurer shall collect and take charge of all funds belonging to the Society, shall keep accurate electronic financial records, make all necessary disbursements and investments approved by the Board of Assistants, send notices of annual dues to members by January 31 of each year, report the condition of the treasury at all meetings, and perform other duties requested by the Governor. When appropriate, the Treasurer shall, with approval of the Board of Assistants, obtain an independent audit of the Society’s financial records for review by the Board of Assistants. The fiscal year of the Society shall end each year on the last day of December.

Assistant Treasurer

The Assistant Treasurer shall perform all the duties requested by the Treasurer and the duties of the Treasurer during the absence or disability of the Treasurer.


The Historian and/or Assistant Historian(s) shall examine and report on all applications of persons applying for membership or supplemental membership, keep a complete list of all members with their lines of descent, have charge of all historical documents, including the Charter and applications, and perform other duties requested by the Governor. The Historian(s) shall work cooperatively in their review and approval of lineage papers. To the extent practical, communications shall be by electronic mail.


The Co-Historian or the Assistant Historian(s) shall perform all the duties requested by the Historian and the duties of the Historian during the absence or disability of the Historian.

Assistant Historian

The Co-Historian or the Assistant Historian(s) shall perform all the duties requested by the Historian and the duties of the Historian during the absence or disability of the Historian.


The Surgeon position shall be filled by a duly licensed or certified health care professional, such as a registered nurse. He or she shall perform duties requested by the Governor.


Counselor shall be an Attorney at Law, licensed to practice in the State of Maryland, rendering legal aid and opinions upon matters pertaining to the Society or any other duties requested by the Governor.


The Captain shall act as marshal at parades and on ceremonial occasions and carry out all duties requested by the Governor.


Serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

Immediate Past Governor

Acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Assistants.

Deputy Governor General (DGG)

An officer of the General Society and represent the best interests of the Maryland Society and the General Society at all national meetings.

Assistant General (AG)

An officer of the General Society and represents the best interests of the Maryland Society and the General Society at all national meetings.

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